Victoria Burns
Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty

Victoria BurnsNSW

Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty

Content Creator, Model & Founder of Nuda Studios


Victoria BurnsNSW

Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty

From Victoria's successful modelling career to her eye for content creation, she is constantly pushing boundaries within the fashion industry, through her unique, yet effortless style, allowing her to work with wide range brands such as New Balance, Longines, Bec & Bridge & Suzuki.

She is also the founder of Nuda Studios and Co- Founder of Femmé Organic; two businesses that are dedicated to producing high quality products that are sustainable and made of 100% certified organic cotton.

With her latest project, Nuda Studios. Victoria took inspiration from her own unique style and desire to create fashion that transcends traditional gender norms. By establishing a gender-neutral brand, she aims to provide clothing options that can be worn by individuals of any gender identity, promoting inclusivity, and breaking free from societal constraints.

By combining gender neutrality and sustainability, Victoria's brand not only caters to a broader customer base but also promotes a more responsible and inclusive fashion industry. This endeavour highlights her progressive mindset and her desire to make a positive impact on the world through fashion.